This is the first Indian edition of this remarkable book which created a great impact in France and was subsequently translated into English and Italian. This edition carries a fresh Afterword by Jean-Luc and Josiane Racine.
Viramma, an untouchable woman by birth, and listed as one of the authors, narrated the story of her life over a period of ten years to Josiane Racine, a Tamil-born ethnomusicologist educated in France. This book is the result of that conversation.
Not only the soceity is Brahmanical but also the eduaction system. Till today Dalit literature is not being introduced in any of the Universities in India. why? The researcher tries to argue the politics of it and reasons why it should be introduced in all the universities. (read the complete article...)
Dangle, Arjun. (ed.) 1992. Poisoned Bread: Translation from Modern Marathi Dalit Literature, Bombay: Orient Longman.